Class Messages


public class Messages extends me.EtienneDx.AnnotationConfig.AnnotationConfig
The Messages class holds all configurable message templates for the RealEstate plugin.

These messages use placeholders (e.g. {0}, {1}) that are replaced at runtime and support Minecraft color codes via dollar signs ($). The messages are loaded from a YAML configuration file, which can be edited with a YAML editor.

  • Field Details

    • pdf

      public org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile pdf
      The plugin description file.
    • keywordEnabled

      public String keywordEnabled
      Keyword indicating that a feature is enabled.
    • keywordDisabled

      public String keywordDisabled
      Keyword indicating that a feature is disabled.
    • keywordClaim

      public String keywordClaim
      Keyword for a claim.
    • keywordSubclaim

      public String keywordSubclaim
      Keyword for a subclaim.
    • keywordAdminClaimPrefix

      public String keywordAdminClaimPrefix
      Prefix used for admin claims.
    • keywordClaimPrefix

      public String keywordClaimPrefix
      Prefix used for claims.
    • keywordTheServer

      public String keywordTheServer
      Keyword representing the server.
    • msgNoTransactionFound

      public String msgNoTransactionFound
      Message displayed when no transaction is found.
    • msgNoTransactionFoundHere

      public String msgNoTransactionFoundHere
      Message displayed when no transaction is found at the player's location.
    • msgPageMustBePositive

      public String msgPageMustBePositive
      Message indicating that the page number must be a positive option.
    • msgPageNotExists

      public String msgPageNotExists
      Message displayed when the requested page does not exist.
    • msgRenewRentNow

      public String msgRenewRentNow
      Message indicating that automatic rent renewal is now active or inactive.

      Placeholders: {0} - enabled/disabled; {1} - type of claim.

    • msgRenewRentCurrently

      public String msgRenewRentCurrently
      Message indicating the current status of automatic rent renewal.

      Placeholders: {0} - enabled/disabled; {1} - type of claim.

    • msgErrorOutOfClaim

      public String msgErrorOutOfClaim
      Error message when a player is not standing within a claim.
    • msgErrorPlayerOnly

      public String msgErrorPlayerOnly
      Error message when the command is only for players.
    • msgErrorNoOngoingTransaction

      public String msgErrorNoOngoingTransaction
      Error message when there is no ongoing transaction for a claim.
    • msgErrorNotRentNorLease

      public String msgErrorNotRentNorLease
      Error message when a claim is neither available for rent nor lease.
    • msgErrorAlreadyBought

      public String msgErrorAlreadyBought
      Error message when a claim already has a buyer.
    • msgErrorNotPartOfTransaction

      public String msgErrorNotPartOfTransaction
      Error message when the player is not part of the current transaction.
    • msgErrorRentOnly

      public String msgErrorRentOnly
      Error message when the command only applies to rented claims.
    • msgErrorAuctionOnly

      public String msgErrorAuctionOnly
      Error message when the command only applies to auctioned claims.
    • msgErrorValueGreaterThanZero

      public String msgErrorValueGreaterThanZero
      Error message when a numeric value is not greater than zero.
    • msgErrorInvalidOption

      public String msgErrorInvalidOption
      Error message when an invalid option is provided.
    • msgErrorClaimInTransactionCantOwner

      public String msgErrorClaimInTransactionCantOwner
      Error message when the claim is involved in a transaction and cannot be modified.
    • msgErrorClaimInTransactionCantEdit

      public String msgErrorClaimInTransactionCantEdit
      Error message when editing is not permitted due to an ongoing transaction.
    • msgErrorClaimInTransactionCantAccess

      public String msgErrorClaimInTransactionCantAccess
      Error message when access is not permitted due to an ongoing transaction.
    • msgErrorClaimInTransactionCantBuild

      public String msgErrorClaimInTransactionCantBuild
      Error message when building is not permitted on a claim in transaction.
    • msgErrorClaimInTransactionCantInventory

      public String msgErrorClaimInTransactionCantInventory
      Error message when container access is not allowed due to a transaction.
    • msgErrorClaimInTransactionCantManage

      public String msgErrorClaimInTransactionCantManage
      Error message when management actions are blocked by a transaction.
    • msgErrorSubclaimInTransaction

      public String msgErrorSubclaimInTransaction
      Error message when a subclaim is involved in a transaction.
    • msgErrorCommandUsage

      public String msgErrorCommandUsage
      Error message for invalid command usage.

      Placeholder: {0} - correct command usage.

    • msgErrorBuyerOnly

      public String msgErrorBuyerOnly
      Error message when a command is restricted to the buyer only.
    • msgErrorUnexpected

      public String msgErrorUnexpected
      Error message for unexpected errors.
    • msgErrorInvalidNumber

      public String msgErrorInvalidNumber
      Error message for an invalid number.

      Placeholder: {0} - the invalid number.

    • msgErrorNegativeNumber

      public String msgErrorNegativeNumber
      Error message for a negative number.

      Placeholder: {0} - the negative number.

    • msgErrorNegativePrice

      public String msgErrorNegativePrice
      Error message for a negative price.

      Placeholder: {0} - the price.

    • msgErrorNegativeBidStep

      public String msgErrorNegativeBidStep
      Error message for a negative bid step.

      Placeholder: {0} - the bid step.

    • msgErrorNonIntegerPrice

      public String msgErrorNonIntegerPrice
      Error message when the price is not an integer.

      Placeholder: {0} - the price.

    • msgErrorInvalidDuration

      public String msgErrorInvalidDuration
      Error message for an invalid duration.

      Placeholders: {0} - the invalid duration, {1}, {2}, {3} - examples of valid formats.

    • msgErrorNoMoneySelf

      public String msgErrorNoMoneySelf
      Error message when the player doesn't have enough money.
    • msgErrorNoMoneyOther

      public String msgErrorNoMoneyOther
      Error message when another player doesn't have enough money.

      Placeholder: {0} - other player's name.

    • msgErrorNoWithdrawSelf

      public String msgErrorNoWithdrawSelf
      Error message when money cannot be withdrawn from the player.
    • msgErrorNoWithdrawOther

      public String msgErrorNoWithdrawOther
      Error message when money cannot be withdrawn from another player.

      Placeholder: {0} - other player's name.

    • msgErrorNoDepositSelf

      public String msgErrorNoDepositSelf
      Error message when money cannot be deposited to the player.

      Placeholder: {0} - the amount.

    • msgErrorNoDepositOther

      public String msgErrorNoDepositOther
      Error message when money cannot be deposited to another player.

      Placeholder: {0} - other player's name.

    • msgErrorCantCancelAlreadyLeased

      public String msgErrorCantCancelAlreadyLeased
      Error message when a leased claim cannot be cancelled.

      Placeholder: {0} - claim type.

    • msgErrorCantCancelAlreadyRented

      public String msgErrorCantCancelAlreadyRented
      Error message when a rented claim cannot be cancelled.

      Placeholder: {0} - claim type.

    • msgErrorCantCancelAuction

      public String msgErrorCantCancelAuction
      Error message when an auctioned claim cannot be cancelled.
    • msgErrorCouldntReimburseSelf

      public String msgErrorCouldntReimburseSelf
      Error message when the player cannot be reimbursed.

      Placeholder: {0} - formatted price.

    • msgErrorCouldntReimburseOther

      public String msgErrorCouldntReimburseOther
      Error message when another player cannot be reimbursed.

      Placeholder: {0} - formatted price.

    • msgErrorContactAdmin

      public String msgErrorContactAdmin
      Error message instructing the player to contact an admin.
    • msgErrorAutoRenewDisabled

      public String msgErrorAutoRenewDisabled
      Error message when automatic renew is disabled.
    • msgErrorExitOfferAlreadyExists

      public String msgErrorExitOfferAlreadyExists
      Error message when an exit offer already exists.
    • msgErrorExitOfferNoBuyer

      public String msgErrorExitOfferNoBuyer
      Error message when there is no buyer engaged in the transaction.
    • msgErrorExitOfferNone

      public String msgErrorExitOfferNone
      Error message when there is no exit offer for the claim.
    • msgErrorExitOfferCantAcceptSelf

      public String msgErrorExitOfferCantAcceptSelf
      Error message when the player tries to accept their own exit offer.
    • msgErrorExitOfferCantRefuseSelf

      public String msgErrorExitOfferCantRefuseSelf
      Error message when the player tries to refuse their own exit offer.
    • msgErrorExitOfferCantCancelOther

      public String msgErrorExitOfferCantCancelOther
      Error message when someone other than the offer creator tries to cancel the exit offer.
    • msgErrorSignNotInClaim

      public String msgErrorSignNotInClaim
      Error message when the sign is not inside a claim.
    • msgErrorSignOngoingTransaction

      public String msgErrorSignOngoingTransaction
      Error message when the claim already has an ongoing transaction.
    • msgErrorSignParentOngoingTransaction

      public String msgErrorSignParentOngoingTransaction
      Error message when the parent claim already has an ongoing transaction.
    • msgErrorSignSubclaimOngoingTransaction

      public String msgErrorSignSubclaimOngoingTransaction
      Error message when a subclaim has an ongoing transaction.
    • msgErrorSignSellingDisabled

      public String msgErrorSignSellingDisabled
      Error message when selling is disabled.
    • msgErrorSignLeasingDisabled

      public String msgErrorSignLeasingDisabled
      Error message when leasing is disabled.
    • msgErrorSignRentingDisabled

      public String msgErrorSignRentingDisabled
      Error message when renting is disabled.
    • msgErrorSignAuctionDisabled

      public String msgErrorSignAuctionDisabled
      Error message when auctioning is disabled.
    • msgErrorSignNoSellPermission

      public String msgErrorSignNoSellPermission
      Error message when the player lacks permission to sell a claim.

      Placeholder: {0} - claim type.

    • msgErrorSignNoLeasePermission

      public String msgErrorSignNoLeasePermission
      Error message when the player lacks permission to lease a claim.

      Placeholder: {0} - claim type.

    • msgErrorSignNoRentPermission

      public String msgErrorSignNoRentPermission
      Error message when the player lacks permission to rent a claim.

      Placeholder: {0} - claim type.

    • msgErrorSignNoAuctionPermission

      public String msgErrorSignNoAuctionPermission
      Error message when the player lacks permission to auction a claim.

      Placeholder: {0} - claim type.

    • msgErrorSignNoAdminSellPermission

      public String msgErrorSignNoAdminSellPermission
      Error message when the player lacks permission to sell an admin claim.

      Placeholder: {0} - claim type.

    • msgErrorSignNoAdminLeasePermission

      public String msgErrorSignNoAdminLeasePermission
      Error message when the player lacks permission to lease an admin claim.

      Placeholder: {0} - claim type.

    • msgErrorSignNoAdminRentPermission

      public String msgErrorSignNoAdminRentPermission
      Error message when the player lacks permission to rent an admin claim.

      Placeholder: {0} - claim type.

    • msgErrorSignNoAdminAuctionPermission

      public String msgErrorSignNoAdminAuctionPermission
      Error message when the player lacks permission to auction an admin claim.

      Placeholder: {0} - claim type.

    • msgErrorSignNotOwner

      public String msgErrorSignNotOwner
      Error message when the player attempts to modify a claim they do not own.

      Placeholder: {0} - claim type.

    • msgErrorSignNotAuthor

      public String msgErrorSignNotAuthor
      Error message when the sign is destroyed by someone who is not the author.
    • msgErrorSignNotAdmin

      public String msgErrorSignNotAdmin
      Error message when the sign can only be destroyed by an admin.
    • msgErrorSignNoTransaction

      public String msgErrorSignNoTransaction
      Error message when no transaction is associated with the sign.
    • msgErrorClaimDoesNotExist

      public String msgErrorClaimDoesNotExist
      Error message when the claim does not exist.
    • msgErrorClaimDoesNotExistAuction

      public String msgErrorClaimDoesNotExistAuction
      Error message when an auctioned claim does not exist.
    • msgErrorClaimAlreadyOwner

      public String msgErrorClaimAlreadyOwner
      Error message when the player is already the owner of the claim.

      Placeholder: {0} - claim type.

    • msgErrorClaimNotSoldByOwner

      public String msgErrorClaimNotSoldByOwner
      Error message when the claim is not sold by its owner.

      Placeholder: {0} - claim type.

    • msgErrorClaimNotLeasedByOwner

      public String msgErrorClaimNotLeasedByOwner
      Error message when the claim is not leased by its owner.

      Placeholder: {0} - claim type.

    • msgErrorClaimNotRentedByOwner

      public String msgErrorClaimNotRentedByOwner
      Error message when the claim is not rented by its owner.

      Placeholder: {0} - claim type.

    • msgErrorClaimNotAuctionedByOwner

      public String msgErrorClaimNotAuctionedByOwner
      Error message when the claim is not auctioned by its owner.

      Placeholder: {0} - claim type.

    • msgErrorClaimNoBuyPermission

      public String msgErrorClaimNoBuyPermission
      Error message when the player does not have permission to buy a claim.

      Placeholder: {0} - claim type.

    • msgErrorClaimNoLeasePermission

      public String msgErrorClaimNoLeasePermission
      Error message when the player does not have permission to lease a claim.

      Placeholder: {0} - claim type.

    • msgErrorClaimNoRentPermission

      public String msgErrorClaimNoRentPermission
      Error message when the player does not have permission to rent a claim.

      Placeholder: {0} - claim type.

    • msgErrorClaimNoAuctionPermission

      public String msgErrorClaimNoAuctionPermission
      Error message when the player does not have permission to auction a claim.

      Placeholder: {0} - claim type.

    • msgErrorClaimAlreadyLeased

      public String msgErrorClaimAlreadyLeased
      Error message when the claim is already leased.

      Placeholder: {0} - claim type.

    • msgErrorClaimAlreadyRented

      public String msgErrorClaimAlreadyRented
      Error message when the claim is already rented.

      Placeholder: {0} - claim type.

    • msgErrorClaimAlreadyHighestBidder

      public String msgErrorClaimAlreadyHighestBidder
      Error message when the player is already the highest bidder.

      Placeholder: {0} - claim type.

    • msgErrorClaimNoInfoPermission

      public String msgErrorClaimNoInfoPermission
      Error message when the player does not have permission to view claim information.
    • msgErrorClaimNoClaimBlocks

      public String msgErrorClaimNoClaimBlocks
      Error message when the player does not have enough claim blocks.

      Placeholders: {0} - required area, {1} - remaining claim blocks, {2} - missing claim blocks.

    • msgErrorAuctionCouldntPayOwner

      public String msgErrorAuctionCouldntPayOwner
      Error message when the auction payment to the owner fails.
    • msgErrorAuctionCouldntReceiveOwner

      public String msgErrorAuctionCouldntReceiveOwner
      Error message when the auction payment from the owner fails.
    • msgInfoExitOfferNone

      public String msgInfoExitOfferNone
      Message indicating that no exit offer is available for the claim.
    • msgInfoExitOfferMadeByStatus

      public String msgInfoExitOfferMadeByStatus
      Message indicating the status of an exit offer created by the player.

      Placeholder: {0} - formatted price.

    • msgInfoExitOfferMadeToStatus

      public String msgInfoExitOfferMadeToStatus
      Message indicating the status of an exit offer made to the player.

      Placeholders: {0} - player who made the offer; {1} - formatted price.

    • msgInfoExitOfferCancel

      public String msgInfoExitOfferCancel
      Message instructing the player on how to cancel their exit offer.

      Placeholder: {0} - cancel command.

    • msgInfoExitOfferAccept

      public String msgInfoExitOfferAccept
      Message instructing the player on how to accept an exit offer.

      Placeholder: {0} - accept command.

    • msgInfoExitOfferReject

      public String msgInfoExitOfferReject
      Message instructing the player on how to reject an exit offer.

      Placeholder: {0} - reject command.

    • msgInfoExitOfferCreatedBySelf

      public String msgInfoExitOfferCreatedBySelf
      Message confirming that the exit offer was created by the player.

      Placeholder: {0} - formatted price.

    • msgInfoExitOfferCreatedByOther

      public String msgInfoExitOfferCreatedByOther
      Broadcast message when another player creates an exit offer.

      Placeholders: {0} - player name; {1} - claim type; {2} - formatted price; {3} - claim location.

    • msgInfoExitOfferAcceptedBySelf

      public String msgInfoExitOfferAcceptedBySelf
      Message confirming that the exit offer was accepted by the player.

      Placeholders: {0} - claim type; {1} - formatted price.

    • msgInfoExitOfferAcceptedByOther

      public String msgInfoExitOfferAcceptedByOther
      Broadcast message when another player accepts the exit offer.

      Placeholders: {0} - player name; {1} - claim type; {2} - formatted price; {3} - claim location.

    • msgInfoExitOfferRejectedBySelf

      public String msgInfoExitOfferRejectedBySelf
      Message indicating that the exit offer has been rejected.
    • msgInfoExitOfferRejectedByOther

      public String msgInfoExitOfferRejectedByOther
      Broadcast message when another player rejects the exit offer.

      Placeholders: {0} - player name; {1} - claim type; {2} - claim location.

    • msgInfoExitOfferCancelledBySelf

      public String msgInfoExitOfferCancelledBySelf
      Message confirming that the exit offer has been cancelled by the player.
    • msgInfoExitOfferCancelledByOther

      public String msgInfoExitOfferCancelledByOther
      Broadcast message when another player cancels the exit offer.

      Placeholders: {0} - player name; {1} - claim type; {2} - claim location.

    • msgInfoClaimOwnerSold

      public String msgInfoClaimOwnerSold
      Broadcast message when a claim is bought by a new owner.

      Placeholders: {0} - buyer name; {1} - claim type; {2} - formatted price; {3} - claim location.

    • msgInfoClaimOwnerLeaseStarted

      public String msgInfoClaimOwnerLeaseStarted
      Broadcast message when a claim lease has started.

      Placeholders: {0} - buyer name; {1} - claim type; {2} - formatted price; {3} - claim location; {4} - payments left.

    • msgInfoClaimOwnerRented

      public String msgInfoClaimOwnerRented
      Broadcast message when a claim is rented.

      Placeholders: {0} - buyer name; {1} - claim type; {2} - formatted price; {3} - claim location.

    • msgInfoClaimBuyerSold

      public String msgInfoClaimBuyerSold
      Message for when a buyer successfully purchases a claim.

      Placeholders: {0} - claim type; {1} - formatted price.

    • msgInfoClaimBuyerLeaseStarted

      public String msgInfoClaimBuyerLeaseStarted
      Message for when a buyer starts leasing a claim.

      Placeholders: {0} - claim type; {1} - formatted price; {2} - payments left.

    • msgInfoClaimBuyerRented

      public String msgInfoClaimBuyerRented
      Message for when a buyer rents a claim.

      Placeholders: {0} - claim type; {1} - formatted price.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoLeaseHeader

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoLeaseHeader
      Header for the lease information display.
    • msgInfoClaimInfoGeneralLeaseNoBuyer

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoGeneralLeaseNoBuyer
      General lease information message when no buyer is present.

      Placeholders: {0} - claim type; {1} - payments left; {2} - formatted price; {3} - frequency.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoGeneralLeaseBuyer

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoGeneralLeaseBuyer
      General lease information message when a buyer is present.

      Placeholders: {0} - claim type; {1} - buyer name; {2} - formatted price; {3} - payments left; {4} - time until next payment; {5} - frequency.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoLeaseOneline

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoLeaseOneline
      One-line lease information display.

      Placeholders: {0} - claim area; {1} - location; {2} - payments left; {3} - period; {4} - formatted price.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoLeasePaymentBuyer

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoLeasePaymentBuyer
      Lease payment information message for the buyer.

      Placeholders: {0} - claim type; {1} - location; {2} - formatted price; {3} - payments left.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoLeasePaymentOwner

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoLeasePaymentOwner
      Lease payment information message for the owner.

      Placeholders: {0} - buyer name; {1} - claim type; {2} - location; {3} - formatted price; {4} - payments left.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoLeasePaymentBuyerFinal

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoLeasePaymentBuyerFinal
      Lease payment message for the buyer when it is the final payment.

      Placeholders: {0} - claim type; {1} - location; {2} - formatted price.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoLeasePaymentOwnerFinal

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoLeasePaymentOwnerFinal
      Lease payment message for the owner when it is the final payment.

      Placeholders: {0} - buyer name; {1} - claim type; {2} - location; {3} - formatted price.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoRentHeader

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoRentHeader
      Rent information header.
    • msgInfoClaimInfoGeneralRentNoBuyer

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoGeneralRentNoBuyer
      General rent information message when no buyer is present.

      Placeholders: {0} - claim type; {1} - formatted price; {2} - duration.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoGeneralRentBuyer

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoGeneralRentBuyer
      General rent information message when a buyer is present.

      Placeholders: {0} - claim type; {1} - buyer name; {2} - formatted price; {3} - time remaining; {4} - period duration.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoRentAutoRenew

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoRentAutoRenew
      Message indicating the current automatic renew status for rent.

      Placeholder: {0} - enabled/disabled.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoRentOneline

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoRentOneline
      One-line rent information message.

      Placeholders: {0} - claim area; {1} - location; {2} - formatted price; {3} - duration.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoRentPaymentBuyer

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoRentPaymentBuyer
      Rent payment information message for the buyer.

      Placeholders: {0} - claim type; {1} - location; {2} - formatted price.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoRentPaymentOwner

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoRentPaymentOwner
      Rent payment information message for the owner.

      Placeholders: {0} - buyer name; {1} - claim type; {2} - location; {3} - formatted price.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoRentPaymentBuyerCancelled

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoRentPaymentBuyerCancelled
      Rent payment cancellation message for the buyer.

      Placeholders: {0} - claim type; {1} - location; {2} - formatted price.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoRentPaymentOwnerCancelled

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoRentPaymentOwnerCancelled
      Rent payment cancellation message for the owner.

      Placeholders: {0} - buyer name; {1} - claim type; {2} - location; {3} - formatted price.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoRentCancelled

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoRentCancelled
      Rent cancellation message.

      Placeholders: {0} - claim type; {1} - location.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoSellHeader

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoSellHeader
      Header for the sale information display.
    • msgInfoClaimInfoSellGeneral

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoSellGeneral
      General sale information message.

      Placeholders: {0} - claim type; {1} - formatted price.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoSellOneline

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoSellOneline
      One-line sale information message.

      Placeholders: {0} - claim area; {1} - location; {2} - formatted price.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoAuctionHeader

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoAuctionHeader
      Header for the auction information display.
    • msgInfoClaimInfoAuctionNoBidder

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoAuctionNoBidder
      Auction information message when no bidder is present.

      Placeholders: {0} - claim type; {1} - formatted price.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoAuctionHighestBidder

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoAuctionHighestBidder
      Auction information message showing the highest bidder.

      Placeholders: {0} - claim type; {1} - bidder name; {2} - formatted price.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoAuctionTimeRemaining

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoAuctionTimeRemaining
      Auction information message displaying the remaining time.

      Placeholder: {0} - formatted time remaining.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoAuctionBidStep

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoAuctionBidStep
      Auction information message displaying the bid step.

      Placeholder: {0} - bid step.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoAuctionOneline

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoAuctionOneline
      One-line auction information message.

      Placeholders: {0} - claim area; {1} - location; {2} - formatted price; {3} - time remaining; {4} - bid step.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoAuctionEnded

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoAuctionEnded
      Auction information message when the auction has ended.

      Placeholder: {0} - claim type.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoAuctionCancelled

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoAuctionCancelled
      Auction information message when the auction is cancelled.

      Placeholder: {0} - claim type.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoOwner

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoOwner
      Message displaying the current owner of the claim.

      Placeholder: {0} - owner name.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoMainOwner

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoMainOwner
      Message displaying the main claim's owner.

      Placeholder: {0} - owner name.

    • msgInfoClaimInfoNote

      public String msgInfoClaimInfoNote
      A note regarding subclaim access.
    • msgInfoClaimCreatedSell

      public String msgInfoClaimCreatedSell
      Message confirming successful creation of a sale.

      Placeholders: {0} - claim prefix; {1} - claim type; {2} - formatted price.

    • msgInfoClaimCreatedLease

      public String msgInfoClaimCreatedLease
      Message confirming successful creation of a lease.

      Placeholders: {0} - claim prefix; {1} - claim type; {2} - formatted price; {3} - payments count; {4} - frequency.

    • msgInfoClaimCreatedRent

      public String msgInfoClaimCreatedRent
      Message confirming successful creation of a rent offer.

      Placeholders: {0} - claim prefix; {1} - claim type; {2} - formatted price; {3} - duration.

    • msgInfoClaimCreatedAuction

      public String msgInfoClaimCreatedAuction
      Message confirming successful creation of an auction.

      Placeholders: {0} - claim prefix; {1} - claim type; {2} - formatted price; {3} - formatted bid step; {4} - time remaining.

    • msgInfoClaimCreatedSellBroadcast

      public String msgInfoClaimCreatedSellBroadcast
      Broadcast message when a sale is created.

      Placeholders: {0} - player name; {1} - claim prefix; {2} - claim type; {3} - formatted price.

    • msgInfoClaimCreatedLeaseBroadcast

      public String msgInfoClaimCreatedLeaseBroadcast
      Broadcast message when a lease is created.

      Placeholders: {0} - player name; {1} - claim prefix; {2} - claim type; {3} - formatted price; {4} - payments count; {5} - frequency.

    • msgInfoClaimCreatedRentBroadcast

      public String msgInfoClaimCreatedRentBroadcast
      Broadcast message when a rent offer is created.

      Placeholders: {0} - player name; {1} - claim prefix; {2} - claim type; {3} - formatted price; {4} - duration.

    • msgInfoClaimCreatedAuctionBroadcast

      public String msgInfoClaimCreatedAuctionBroadcast
      Broadcast message when an auction is created.

      Placeholders: {0} - player name; {1} - claim prefix; {2} - claim type; {3} - formatted price; {4} - formatted bid step; {5} - time remaining.

    • msgListTransactionsHeader

      public String msgListTransactionsHeader
      Header for the transaction list.

      Placeholders: {0} - list type (e.g., RE Offers, Sell Offers, Rent Offers, Lease Offers); {1} - current page number; {2} - total page count.

    • msgListNextPage

      public String msgListNextPage
      Message indicating how to view the next page of transactions.

      Placeholders: {0} - list type; {1} - next page number.

    • msgSignAuctionHighestBidder

      public String msgSignAuctionHighestBidder
      Sign message displaying the highest bidder in an auction.

      Placeholders: {0} - bidder name; {1} - formatted price.

    • msgSignAuctionNoBider

      public String msgSignAuctionNoBider
      Sign message displayed when no bidder is present.
    • msgSignAuctionRemainingTime

      public String msgSignAuctionRemainingTime
      Sign message showing the remaining time in an auction.

      Placeholder: {0} - formatted time remaining.

    • msgSignAuctionEnded

      public String msgSignAuctionEnded
      Sign message indicating that the auction has ended.
    • msgSignAuctionWon

      public String msgSignAuctionWon
      Sign message indicating that the auction was won.
  • Constructor Details

    • Messages

      public Messages()
      Constructs a new Messages instance and initializes the plugin description file.
  • Method Details

    • loadConfig

      public void loadConfig()
      Loads the language configuration file.
      loadConfig in class me.EtienneDx.AnnotationConfig.AnnotationConfig
    • getMessage

      public static String getMessage(String msgTemplate, String... args)
      Retrieves a formatted message with placeholders replaced.
      msgTemplate - the message template.
      args - the values to replace placeholders.
      the formatted message with the default chat prefix.
    • getMessage

      public static String getMessage(String msgTemplate, boolean withPrefix, String... args)
      Retrieves a formatted message.
      msgTemplate - the message template.
      withPrefix - if true, prepends the chat prefix.
      args - the values to replace placeholders.
      the formatted message.
    • sendMessage

      public static void sendMessage(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender player, String msgTemplate, String... args)
      Sends a formatted message to a CommandSender.
      player - the recipient.
      msgTemplate - the message template.
      args - the values for placeholders.
    • sendMessage

      public static void sendMessage(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender player, String msgTemplate, long delayInTicks, String... args)
      Sends a formatted message to a CommandSender after a delay.
      player - the recipient.
      msgTemplate - the message template.
      delayInTicks - delay in ticks.
      args - the values for placeholders.
    • sendMessage

      public static void sendMessage(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender player, String message)
      Sends a pre-formatted message to a CommandSender.
      player - the recipient.
      message - the formatted message.
    • sendMessage

      public static void sendMessage(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender player, String message, Boolean fixColors)
      Sends a message to a CommandSender with an option to process color codes.
      player - the recipient.
      message - the message.
      fixColors - if true, converts formatting codes.
    • sendMessage

      public static void sendMessage(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender player, String message, long delayInTicks)
      Schedules a message to be sent to a CommandSender after a delay.
      player - the recipient.
      message - the message.
      delayInTicks - delay in ticks.